• 使命異象(緣起)

    客家宣教神學院 Christian Hakka Seminary



Cultivating ministry workers for the Kingdom of God, starting from the Hakka, to participate in global missions so that the Great Commission of Jesus Christ will be completed.



Establish a seminary that is rooted in the Bible and embraces Christian theology as the stem, in order to build disciples of Jesus Christ starting from the Hakka to worldwide, through global missions and cultural studies.


  1. 成為一間擁有客語環境的神學院,能培育出熟練客語的神國人才,向台灣400萬、全球8000萬的客家人,進行宣教的工作,完成主的大使命。
  2. 成為一間滿有宣教異象的神學院,能培育出近文化及跨文化的宣教人才,與眾教會合作,在主快再來之前,同心推動普世差傳工作;特別是南海絲路的宣教事工。
  3. 成為一間進行文化研究的神學院,在客家語言、聖樂、…等文化議題上,不斷進行相關神學與宣教策略的研究,促成大使命更有效率的落實。


  1. To become a seminary which provides an environment with Hakka language, so that ministry workers for the Kingdom of God will be trained and mastered in Hakka language. These workers are to complete the Great Commission by carrying out the missions to the 4 million Hakka in Taiwan and 80 million Hakka worldwide.
  2. To become a seminary with a vision in missions. We are to cultivate near-culture and cross-culture mission workers, and to cooperate with the churches (before the imminent return of the Lord), with united heart to promote the global mission works, especially on the ministry in the South China Sea Silk Road.
  3. To become a seminary with ongoing research on cultures. Research will continually be conducted on relevant theology and mission strategies related to the issues on Hakka language, worship music, etc., in order to be more effective in the implementation of the Great Commission.


客神的核心價值【禱告、合一、聖潔、忠心】。以這核心價值, 來追求個人、家庭及學校能得著上帝的同在。

Hakka’s core values: Prayer, Unity, Holiness, Faithfulness. With this core value, we pursue the presence of God for individuals, families and schools.
Help students grow spiritually, develop good character and behavior through discipleship.
The academic programs and curriculum are diverse, and there are many activities in humanistic care, while emphasizing academic and practical.
The above concepts are also conveyed through various channels, such as: the whole school prayer meeting, the weekly worship, the CHS Sunday Service, the Bible study conference, the CHS Newsletter, the graduation ceremony, the pre-school retreat, etc.

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